
OpenStreetMap Data Exports

We provide exports of the extensive worldwide power and telecoms infrastructure from OpenStreetMap. Our exports include all the data visible on Open Infrastructure Map, cleaned and converted into standard geospatial formats for GIS applications.

GeoPackage or Shapefile exports

The full documentation of what is included in these exports is available on the documentation page.

The cost of these data exports is £65 per country, or £600 for a worldwide export.

KML exports

Exports in KML/KMZ (Google Earth) format are also available at a cost of £150 per country. These exports are validated to work correctly with Google Earth Pro and may not work in all applications which consume KML.

Due to limitations with Google Earth Pro, KML exports for larger countries (such as the USA) are filtered to only include power assets with a voltage rating of 25 kV or above, and generation assets with an output of 1 MW and above. Worldwide KML exports are not possible due to file size limitations.


There is a minimum order fee of £200. A 20% discount is available to educational institutions and NGOs.

Payment is required in advance by card or GBP bank transfer.

To order these exports, please get in touch with us at

Great Britain Power Network Data

We are currently finalising our new unified geospatial dataset of power network data for Great Britain. This builds on the official open datasets now being published by the Distribution Network Operators, and combines them into a unified GeoPackage dataset.

We expect these datasets to be available to order in July 2024. If you would like to be notified when this dataset is available, please get in touch.