
OpenStreetMap infrastructure data exports

The only planet-scale, open map of infrastructure, OpenStreetMap provides geospatial data on over 5.5 million kilometres of power lines, 1 million substations, and 100,000 power plants covering a substantial portion of the planet's electricity transmission system.

It also contains more than 2,000 datacenters, 600,000 telecoms masts, and 130,000 oil & gas sites. We provide exports of this data which make it easy to use in your own software.

Image of a map of infrastructure

You can see a worldwide visualisation of this dataset at Open Infrastructure Map. Infrageomatics supports the development of Open Infrastructure Map and the wider OpenStreetMap infrastructure mapping ecosystem.

Data from OpenStreetMap is licensed under the Open Database License, and Infrageomatics does not claim any additional rights on the datasets we provide. OpenStreetMap is a trademark of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

GeoPackage or Shapefile

Infrastructure data from OpenStreetMap, cleaned up and made available in GeoPackage or Shapefile format for easy use in GIS software such as QGIS or ArcGIS. These exports provide a realtime snapshot of all electricity, telecoms, water, oil, and gas objects visible on Open Infrastructure Map.

Shapefile Sample GeoPackage Sample Schema Documentation

Samples cover the country of Luxembourg. The full dataset can be explored on Open Infrastructure Map.

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Power network KML (Google Earth)

Exports in KML/KMZ (Google Earth) format are available, which include power lines, substations, and plants. They do not include power generators, or other infrastructure types such as telecoms lines, masts or datacenters.

Please note: These exports are validated to work correctly with Google Earth Pro, but due to their size they may not work in all applications which consume KML.

Due to size limitations with Google Earth Pro, KML exports for larger countries (the USA, Russia, and China) are filtered to only include power assets with a voltage rating of 25 kV or above, and generation assets with an output of 50 MW and above. Worldwide KML exports are not possible due to these limitations.

KML Sample

Samples cover the country of Luxembourg. The full dataset can be explored on Open Infrastructure Map.

Order KML export

Pay instantly by card or bank transfer. Exports are usually delivered within 3 hours.
