
Export documentation

This page documents the structure of the our OpenStreetMap infrastructure data export product.

In general, the data provided will be identical to that visible on Open Infrastructure Map. These exports are a snapshot of the OpenStreetMap data at the time of the export.

Exports can be provided in Shapefile or GeoPackage format. The data is identical in both formats, but if your software supports it we recommend GeoPackage as it is more modern, compact, and allows longer field names.


The data is licensed under the Open Database License. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. More details are available on the OpenStreetMap copyright page.

Data Fields

Note that field names may be truncated in Shapefile exports. The "power_tower" layer is not included by default as it is not required by most users and it substantially increases the size of the export, but can be supplied at no extra cost.

Some categories also include OSM objects tagged with the construction: lifecycle prefix. In this case the construction status will be indicated by a value in the construction field.



Derived from OSM tags: power=generator

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
construction Whether the object is under construction
source generator:source Source of the energy generated
output generator:output:electricity Output power of the generator (kW)
method generator:method Method of generation (additional to source)
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: power=plant

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
wikidata wikidata Wikidata ID of the object
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
construction Whether the object is under construction
source plant:source Source of the energy generated
method plant:method Method of generation (additional to source)
output plant:output:electricity Output power of the plant (kW)
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: power=line power=minor_line power=cable power=minor_cable

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
construction Whether the object is under construction
location location Location of the object (underground, underwater, etc.)
max_voltage voltage Maximum voltage used by the object (volts)
voltages voltage Voltages used by the object (semicolon-separated, volts)
frequency frequency Frequency of the object (Hz). Converter substations may have multiple frequencies (semicolon-separated).
circuits circuits Number of circuits carried by a line
cables cables Number of cables (conductors) carried by a line
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: power=substation

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
substation_type substation Type of substation (transmission, distribution, generation)
construction Whether the object is under construction
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
voltages voltage Voltages used by the object (semicolon-separated, volts)
max_voltage voltage Maximum voltage used by the object (volts)
frequency frequency Frequency of the object (Hz). Converter substations may have multiple frequencies (semicolon-separated).
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: power=transformer

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
transformer transformer Type of transformer
v_primary voltage:primary Primary voltage of transformer (volts)
v_secondary voltage:secondary Secondary voltage of transformer (volts)
v_tertiary voltage:tertiary Tertiary voltage of transformer (volts)

Derived from OSM tags: power=switch

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object

Derived from OSM tags: power=compensator

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object

Power Towers


Derived from OSM tags: power=pole power=tower power=portal

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
ref ref Reference given to item
type OSM tag used to describe object
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
construction Whether the object is under construction



Derived from OSM tags: building=data_center building=data_centre building=telephone_exchange telecom=data_center telecom=data_centre telecom=exchange telecom=central_office office=telecommunication man_made=telephone_office

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
type OSM tag used to describe object
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
wikidata wikidata Wikidata ID of the object
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: communication=line communication=cable

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: man_made=mast man_made=tower man_made=communications_tower

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
type OSM tag used to describe object
mast_type mast:type Type of mast or tower
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service



Derived from OSM tags: man_made=pipeline

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
wikidata wikidata Wikidata ID of the object
ref ref Reference given to item
type type Type of pipeline (legacy tag)
substance substance Substance carried by a pipeline
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
construction Whether the object is under construction
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: pipeline=valve pipeline=substation pipeline=flare

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
ref ref Reference given to item
type type Type of pipeline (legacy tag)
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object



Derived from OSM tags: industrial=oil industrial=fracking industrial=oil_storage industrial=hydrocarbons industrial=oil sands industrial=oil_sands industrial=gas industrial=natural_gas industrial=wellsite industrial=well_cluster

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
wikidata wikidata Wikidata ID of the object
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service

Derived from OSM tags: man_made=petroleum_well man_made=oil_well

Field name OSM Tag Description
<geometry> Geometry of the object in the WGS84 coordinate system
id OpenStreetMap object ID (relation IDs are negative)
name name Name of the object in the local language
name_en name:en Name of the object in English
ref ref Reference given to item
operator operator Name of the operator of the object
wd_operator operator:wikidata Wikidata ID of the operator of the object
start_date start_date Date that object started operational service